A spooky comedy show that turns scary stories into hilarious gags every Wednesday! Inside an intimate jazz bar in Prenzlauer Berg!
Join us for a night of spooky storytelling and crazy laughter as we turn nightmares into hilarity. Share your creepiest experiences, and let us transform them into wickedly funny bits. It’s a night of scares and laughs you won’t want to miss!
Wholesome yet spooky vibes, friendly comedy, positive energy, and delicious cold beer in the heart of Prenzlauer Berg.
Doors – 8:30 pm
Showtime – 9:00 pm
How Much Does It Cost?
It’s a pay what you want show, where you leave a donation in the end 🙂 Your donations help keep the show going and paying the comedians well.
We Look forward to seeing you at the show. Tell all your friends, and make your reservation now! 🙏🏻❤️