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The Sleep of Reason

Vétomat – Siebdruckcafé Wühlischstraße 42, Berlin, BE, Germany

Hercules was assigned to complete 12, seemingly impossible tasks by King Eurystheus, who expected him to die in the attempt to complete them. We will test Gabriel’s imagination and acting […]

Singing Circle – Free Your Voice

Rudolfstraße 11 Rudolfstraße 11, Berlin, BE, Germany

Jede*r kann singen. Der Singing Circle ist ein Treffpunkt für alle, die ihre Stimme ausprobieren wollen und Lust haben, gemeinsam in der Gruppe zu singen. Ohne Noten singen wir in […]

Boxi hangout

Sheriff Teddy Bar Weserstraße 25, Berlin, Deutschland

We will meet in the amazing and cozy Sheriff Teddy Bar in the Boxi-neighborhood. This is the place we can introduce ourselves, share our work, talk about the projects we […]

Boxi hangout

Sheriff Teddy Bar Weserstraße 25, Berlin, Deutschland

We will meet in the amazing and cozy Sheriff Teddy Bar in the Boxi-neighborhood. This is the place we can introduce ourselves, share our work, talk about the projects we […]

Stand up Show: „Spicy Comedy“

Süss War Gestern Wühlischstr 43, Berlin, BE, Germany

Die heißeste Stand up Show der Stadt – Mitten im Herzen von Friedrichshain

The Sleep of Reason- Life Drawing Group

Vétomat – Siebdruckcafé Wühlischstraße 42, Berlin, BE, Germany

A fast paced drawing group In a warm and friendly atmosphere, with a mix of both male and female models. We seek to offer an opportunity to draw models in […]

The Sleep of Reason- Life Drawing Group

Vétomat – Siebdruckcafé Wühlischstraße 42, Berlin, BE, Germany

A fast paced drawing group In a warm and friendly atmosphere, with a mix of both male and female models. We seek to offer an opportunity to draw models in […]