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STAGE TIME berlin’s best singer songwriter night

Bar Bobu | Berlin | Friedrichshain | Bar | Restaurant | Club | Live Music Müggelstraße 9, Berlin, BE, Germany

STAGE TIME berlin’s best singer songwriter night – 3 artists 12 songs and a host you’ll never forget!!! Be early to get the best seats

The Sleep of Reason

Vétomat – Siebdruckcafé Wühlischstraße 42, Berlin, BE, Germany

Hercules was assigned to complete 12, seemingly impossible tasks by King Eurystheus, who expected him to die in the attempt to complete them. We will test Gabriel’s imagination and acting […]


Bar Bobu | Berlin | Friedrichshain | Bar | Restaurant | Club | Live Music Müggelstraße 9, Berlin, BE, Germany

Olive Christou is an established singer, songwriter and performer who has been on stages with many acts such as Peter Fox and Meret BeckerBar BoBu proudly presents live on stage:OLIVIE […]

Y not Slam?!

Y not [ Café • Kultur • Bar ] Karl-Heinrich-Ulrichs-Straße 10, Berlin, BE, Germany

Der beste Poetry Slam Schönebergs öffnet seine Pforten! Nur echt mit euch, mit Samtvorhang und mit jeder Menge Spoken Word.

Comedyshow • 20 Uhr • Fast Spontan • in Friedrichshain

The Wall Comedy Grünberger Straße 84, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Entspannt das Wochenende ausklingen lassen mit Stand- up Comedy am Sonntagabend.KONZEPT“Fast Spontan“ ist die wildeste Comedyshow der Stadt. Punkt. In der ersten Hälfte spielen die besten Comedians der berliner Comedyszene […]