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What’s Wrong With Us?! – Stand Up Comedy in English – w/Mila Panic (BIH)

a&o Hostel Dresden Hauptbahnhof SKY BAR (8th Floor) – Strehlener Straße 10, Dresden, SN, Germany

A dark comedy show that fearlessly explores our quirks and absurdities, delivering unfiltered humour that will leave you in stitches.Step into the world of dark comedy – where laughter thrives […]

Live from the Wall Comedy Club – It’s Friday Night!!!

The Wall Comedy Grünberger Straße 84, Berlin, BE, Germany

A stand up comedy special featuring the best performers Berlin has to offer! Join us for an unforgettable evening!The Wall Comedy Club was founded on a simple idea, that literally […]

Tempel Slam – Der Poetry Slam auf dem RAW-Gelände

Der Weiße Hase Revaler Straße 99, Berlin, BE, Germany

Tempel Slam ist Poetry Slam der Extraklasse mitten in Friedrichshain, so bunt wie dein Kiez selbst! Immer überraschend, nur echt mit euch!

Live from the Wall Comedy Club – It’s Saturday Night!!!

The Wall Comedy Grünberger Straße 84, Berlin, BE, Germany

A stand up comedy special featuring the best performers Berlin has to offer! Join us for an unforgettable evening!The Wall Comedy Club was founded on a simple idea, that literally […]