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The Sleep of Reason- Life Drawing Group

Vétomat – Siebdruckcafé Wühlischstraße 42, Berlin, BE, Germany

A fast paced drawing group In a warm and friendly atmosphere, with a mix of both male and female models. We seek to offer an opportunity to draw models in […]

The Sleep of Reason- Life Drawing Group

Vétomat – Siebdruckcafé Wühlischstraße 42, Berlin, BE, Germany

A fast paced drawing group In a warm and friendly atmosphere, with a mix of both male and female models. We seek to offer an opportunity to draw models in […]

LÉON THE SINGER feat. special guest

Bar Bobu | Berlin | Friedrichshain | Bar | Restaurant | Club | Live Music Müggelstraße 9, Berlin, BE, Germany

Léon The Singer Dances between hyper pop, intimate songwriting, and strong 80’s influences.BAR BOBU proudly presents live on stage:LÉON THE SINGERfeat. special guestdoors: 19hdonation based (recommended 10 to 30 EUR)Léon […]

Live from the Wall Comedy Club – It’s Saturday Night!!!

The Wall Comedy Grünberger Straße 84, Berlin, BE, Germany

A stand up comedy special featuring the best performers Berlin has to offer! Join us for an unforgettable evening!The Wall Comedy Club was founded on a simple idea, that literally […]

What’s Wrong With Us?! – Dark Stand Up Comedy in English (NEW VENUE)

a&o Berlin Mitte Conference Room – Alexanderplatz (in the cellar) Adalbertstrasse 50, Berlin, BE, Germany

A free-entry dark comedy show that fearlessly explores all our unique quirks, delivering unfiltered humour that will leave you in stitches.Step into the world of dark comedy – where laughter […]

Comedyshow • 20 Uhr • Fast Spontan • in Friedrichshain

The Wall Comedy Grünberger Straße 84, Berlin, BE, Germany

Entspannt das Wochenende ausklingen lassen mit Stand- up Comedy am Sonntagabend.KONZEPT“Fast Spontan“ ist die wildeste Comedyshow der Stadt. Punkt. In der ersten Hälfte spielen die besten Comedians der berliner Comedyszene […]

TARZAN GRIP und SIMON JELA EP release shows

Bar Bobu | Berlin | Friedrichshain | Bar | Restaurant | Club | Live Music Müggelstraße 9, Berlin, BE, Germany

Berlin based three piece Tarzan Grip and Simon Jela each presenting their new EPs live on stage at Bar BoBu.Bar BoBu proudly presents live on stage:TARZAN GRIPand SIMON JELAEP release […]

Singing Circle – Free Your Voice

Rudolfstraße 11 Rudolfstraße 11, Berlin, BE, Germany

Jede*r kann singen. Der Singing Circle ist ein Treffpunkt für alle, die ihre Stimme ausprobieren wollen und Lust haben, gemeinsam in der Gruppe zu singen. Ohne Noten singen wir in […]